Copy the folder libebf_multi-x.x.x/extra/libebf_matlab to a location of our choice. Now add the libebf_matlab folder to your search path by using set Path dialog box (File->Set Path->Add Folder->Save)
Then from MATLAB prompt (hereafter >>>) run the following command. After this you can start using the library.
>>> mex ebfc_lthash.c
For 32 bit machines, this might not work. In that case, in file EbfTable.m change
function ehash=ebflthash(mystr,capacity)
function ehash=ebflthash(mystr,capacity)
To load up the guide on matlab prompt do
>>> showdemo ebf_demo
To see if everything is working okay do
>>> ebf_test
>>> x1=linspace(1,10,10);
>>> x2=linspace(10,100,10);
Ebf.write function is used for writing data. It can take upto a maximum of 6 arguments. First four are mandatory and the last two are optional.
- Optional fifth argument specifies the units of the data.
- Data to be written must be an array or a string.
- The data type of an array can be any one of the following
- char
- int8
- int16
- int16
- int32
- uint8
- uint16
- uint32
- uint64
- float32 (single)
- float64 (double)
>>> Ebf.write('check.ebf','/x1',x1,'w','km/s')
>>> Ebf.write('check.ebf','/x2',x2,'a')
>>> Ebf.write('check.ebf','/test/x1',x2,'a')
file name: check.ebf
data-name data-type size units rank dims
/.ebf/info *int64 8 1 5
/.ebf/htable *int8 1 1 1256
/x1 *float64 8 km/s 1 10
/x2 *float64 8 1 10
/test/x1 *float64 8 1 10
- Normally reduntant dimensions are removed i,e 1xN or Nx1 matrix is written as a rank 1 i.e one dimensional array array.
- If the optional 6th argument is ‘matlab’ then the shape of the array is exactly as given by matlab function size()
>>> Ebf.write('check.ebf','/x1_matlab',x1,'a','m/s','matlab')
>>> Ebf.write('check.ebf','/x1prime_matlab',transpose(x1),'a','m/s','matlab')
file name: check.ebf
data-name data-type size units rank dims
/.ebf/info *int64 8 1 5
/.ebf/htable *int8 1 1 1256
/x1 *float64 8 km/s 1 10
/x2 *float64 8 1 10
/test/x1 *float64 8 1 10
/x1_matlab *float64 8 m/s 2 1 10
/x1prime_matlab *float64 8 m/s 2 10 1
Output is either 0 or 1. Note, the file specified must exist or else an error will be thrown.
>>> Ebf.containsKey('check.ebf','/x1')
ans =
The code below read everything in directory ‘/’ as a struct. This does not work recursively. For example this will not read /test/x1
data =
x1_matlab: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
x1: [10x1 double]
x2: [10x1 double]
x1prime_matlab: [10x1 double]
Read as a structure, recursively traversing items in the path. This feature is experimental
data =
x1_matlab: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
x1: [10x1 double]
x2: [10x1 double]
x1prime_matlab: [10x1 double]
test: [1x1 struct]
Trying to overwrite as shown below will generate error
>>> Ebf.write('check.ebf','/x1',x1,'a')
‘/x1’ is renamed to ‘/x3’ If one wishes to remove an item to trash the last argument should be ‘’
>>> Ebf.rename('check.ebf','/x1','/x3')
>>> Ebf.rename('check.ebf','/x2','')
file name: check.ebf
data-name data-type size units rank dims
/.ebf/info *int64 8 1 5
/.ebf/htable *int8 1 1 1256
/x3 *float64 8 km/s 1 10
/x2 *float64 8 1 10
/test/x1 *float64 8 1 10
/x1_matlab *float64 8 m/s 2 1 10
/x1prime_matlab *float64 8 m/s 2 10 1
file name: check.ebf
data-name data-type size units rank dims
/.ebf/info *int64 8 1 5
/.ebf/htable *int8 1 1 1256
/x3 *float64 8 km/s 1 10
/.tr/x2.t0 *float64 8 1 10
/test/x1 *float64 8 1 10
/x1_matlab *float64 8 m/s 2 1 10
/x1prime_matlab *float64 8 m/s 2 10 1