The libebf_cpp is main library to do I/O on EBF files (filenames with .ebf extension). An ebf file is a collection of data objects with each object having a unique name (dataname) with in a given file. The datanames follow the unix style pathname convention and must begin with “/” signifying the root path with in the file. Data objects are an array of primitive types like int, float, double, long etc. One can perform two types of I/O operations. First is the bulk operation in which the entire data object is copied from the file into memory and returned as an array (or scalar if it has only one element). Second is the partial I/O operation in which a specified number of elements are read. This allows more control over I/O operations. Bulk operations can be performed by a single function call, but for partial I/O operations one has to perform a three step process of open , read or write , and close. For reading prior to read operation an array of suitable size also needs to be created.
We try to follow the google c++ style guide wherever possible. Regular function names begin with “Ebf_”. First letter of each word in the function is capitalized. Class names do not have underscore but otherwise follow same rule. The first letter of first word in a class member is lowercase, for the rest of the words the first letter is capitalized.
The code has been tested with gcc compiler on 64 bit linux machine. For other platforms it is strongly recommended to run the test program to check for compatibility. In general, the code should run correctly wherever header inttypes.h and stdint.h is available. If these are not available one should supply ones own. Basically one has to supply the intX_t and uintX_t types, X being 8,16,32 and 64, using typedef statement. The types sizeof(float) and sizeof(double) must be 4 and 8 bytes.
datatype | bits | ebf typecode |
char | is 8 bit | 1 |
int32_t | is 32 bit | 2 |
int64_t | is 64 bit | 3 |
float | is 32 bit | 4 |
double | is 64 bit | 5 |
int16_t | is 16 bit | 6 |
int8_t | is 8 bit | 9 |
uint8_t | is 8 bit | 10 |
uint16_t | is 16 bit | 11 |
uint32_t | is 32 bit | 12 |
unint64_t | is 64 bit | 13 |
A demo code explaining the usgae is given below:
int ebf_demo()
using namespace std;
// generate some test data
vector<float> x1(100);
vector<int32_t> x2(100);
vector<double> y1(100);
vector<int64_t> y2(100);
vector<double> y3(100);
int64_t dims[8];
// create and initialize an efile structure/object
ebf::EbfFile efile;
ebf::EbfDataInfo dinfo;
for(size_t i=0;i<x1.size();++i)
// Write array x1 to file check.ebf
ebf::Write("check.ebf", "/x1",&x1[0],"w","",x1.size());
// append to file check.ebf array x2 with unit m/s
ebf::Write("check.ebf", "/x2", &x2[0],"a","100 m*s^{-1}",x1.size());
// Read data as long and double
// After openr(), one can allocate memory as y1=(double *)malloc(efile.elements()*8)
cout<<"Units are "<<efile.unit()<<endl;
efile.Read( &y2[0],efile.elements());
// Read data
// one can allocate memory as y1=(double *)malloc(dinfo.elements*8)
ebf::Read("check.ebf","/x1", &y1[0],dinfo.elements);
// Write a 2d array. dim[0] is adjusted to fit dataszie other dims are fixed.
// 80 elements starting from x1[20] written as 8x10 array
efile.Open("check.ebf","/x1","w",ebf::TypeS("float32"),"100 m*s^{-1}",2,dims);
// print the data */
cout<<"Printing x1 x2 y1 y2"<<endl;
for(size_t i=70;i<80;++i)
cout<<x1[i]<<" "<<x2[i]<<" "<<y1[i]<<" "<<y2[i]<<endl;
// Write nsize elements of x1 and then of x2 as a double array
efile.Open("check.ebf","/test/x1x2_double","a",ebf::TypeS("double")," 100 km*s^{-1}");
// Write elements 20 to 100 as 2x40 multi dimensional array
// the first dimension can be set to zero and is automatically set,
// depending upon the number of elements written, when Close() method is invoked.
// Also units are written. Can be set to blank string.
// 80 elements starting from x1[20] written as 2x40 array
dims[0]=0; /* can be set to anything is adjusted when efile.Close() is called*/
efile.Open("check.ebf","/test/x1_multi","a",ebf::TypeS("float32"),"100 m*s^{-1}",2,dims);
//Read all elements
// On can allocate memory as double *y3=(int64_t *)malloc(efile.elements()*8)
//Read elements 0 to 19 then next 40 and then next 20
efile.Read( &y3[0],20);
efile.Read( &y3[20],40);
efile.Read( &y3[60],20);
//Read 10 elements with an offset of 20 (x[20] to x[29])
efile.Read( &y3[20],10);
cout<<"Units are "<<efile.unit()<<endl;
cout<<"printing values 20 to 30"<<endl;
for(int i=20;i<30;++i)
cout<<i<<" "<<y3[i]<<endl;
// using the EbfVector container
ebf::EbfVector<float> y5("check.ebf","/x1");
cout<<"Rank="<<y5.rank()<<"size="<<y5.size()<<" dim(0)="<<y5.dim(0)<<" dim(1)="<<y5.dim(1)<<endl;
cout<<y5[9]<<" "<<y5[19]<<endl;
cout<<y5(0,9)<<" "<<y5(1,19)<<endl;
// Write and Read a string
string mystr2;
vector<float> x123;
// same as ebf::WriteChar("test2.ebf", "/mystr",mystr1, "w","",strlen(mystr1));
ebf::WriteString("check.ebf","/mystr","Hello World!","w");
return 0;
Writes an array of elements pointed to by pointer data. The last 5 arguments can have default values.
Parameters: |
Writes an array of elements pointed to by pointer data. The last 5 arguments can have default values. T1 is the destination data type of the item to be written, while actual data type of item is T2.
Parameters: |
Reads an array of count elements from an ebf file into memory pointed to by value.
Parameters: |
Reads an array of ntot elements from an ebf file into memory pointed to by value.
Parameters: |
Write a c++ string
Write a c++ vector<string>
Read a string
Read a strings into c++ vector<string>
Create an efile object.
Open a file and initialize file buffers to perform Read Write operations also positions the file to the location of the data. If a file is already Open from previous operation it is closed before opening a new buffer.
Parameters: |
Writes data_size elements from memeory pointed to by x, to an Open ebf file and increments the file pointer.
Reads data_size elements, from file into memory pointed to by x and advances the file pointer.
Close the file and finish the Write or Read operation. After the object has been closed the same EbfFile object can be used for a fresh I/O. Note, for Write operations the data is fully written to the file, only after the Close() method has been called.
This will first Close the file. Subsequently, if the original file was opened in “w” mode it will transfer the currently written data to the specified file with the specified mode and then delete the original file. Useful for copying data written un multiple files to one file.
Starting position of data-object in file (bytes).
Starting position of data in file (bytes).
Total number of elements in data-object.
Data type of data in disc.
Size of data type in bytes.
Total capacity in bytes that can be stored in current data-object.
Rank of data object
Unit string of data-object
Structure definition string
Multi-dimensional Index to data
Multi-dimensional Index to data
Set to Read element no i.
Get the current element number.
Check if a data item exists in a file.
Parameters: |
Rtype: | an integer which is 0 if the item does not exist or else 1. |
Check if a data item exists in a file and get information about data in a structure, , which can be queried for number of elements data units and existence of data and so on.
Parameters: |
Rtype: | an integer which is 0 if the item does not exist or else 1. |
Get the integer EBF type code of a datatype.
Parameters typestring: | |
The name of data type. Valid values are char, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64 | |
Rtype: | an integer giving the type code |
Rename a data item in a file.
A function to copy a data object from one ebf file to another
Parameters: |
A container class implemented as a template. The operators [] and () can be used to access data. The operator () allows multi-dimensional access upto 3 dimensions. Thre init method can be used to load a new file. The methods rank() and size() can be used to query the dimensions of the data.
Creates an instance of the class and load a data from an ebf file.
Load a new data from a file.
Access the data.
Access 2-dimensional data.
Access 3-dimensional data.
Total number of data elements,
The rank or number of dimensions.
The dimensions.