A module to read and write data in ebf format.
EBF is a binary format for storing data. It is designed to read and write data, easily and efficiently.
To install
$pip install ebfpy OR
$pip install ebfpy --user OR
$tar -zxvf ebfpy_x.x.x.tar.gz
$cd ebfpy_x.x.x
$python setup.py install --user OR
$python setup.py install --user --install-scripts=mypath OR
$python setup.py install --install-scripts=mypath
The –install_scripts option if specified determines the installation location of the command line script ebftkpy, the ebf module is always installed in a standard location. It is better to set this manually (to something like ‘/usr/local/bin’ or somewhere in home) because the standard script installation location might not be in your search path. With –user option generally the scripts are installed in ~/.local/bin/.
To run the test suite just do (from within folder ebfpy_x.x.x)
Write specific numpy arrays.
>>> import ebf
>>> import numpy
>>> x = numpy.random.rand(2,5)
>>> y = numpy.random.rand(2,5)
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf', '/x', x, "w")
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf', '/y', y, "a")
Write in a different path within an ebf file .
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf', '/mypath/x', x, "a")
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf', '/mypath/y', y, "a")
Read back the written arrays
>>> x1 = ebf.read('check.ebf', '/x')
>>> y1 = ebf.read('check.ebf', '/mypath/y')
Read all items in an ebf path as a dictionary such that data[“x”] is same as x1 such that data[“y”] is same as y1
>>> data = ebf.read('check.ebf', '/mypath/')
Check the contents of the file.
>>> ebf.info('check.ebf')
check.ebf 2460 bytes
name dtype endian unit dim
/.ebf/info int64 little [5]
/.ebf/htable int8 little [1256]
/x float64 little [2 5]
/y float64 little [2 5]
/mypath/x float64 little [2 5]
/mypath/y float64 little [2 5]
Split a structure and write individual data items in path “/mypath/” in an ebf file.
>>> dth = numpy.dtype([('data_u1', 'u1', (2, 5)), ('data_u2', 'u2', (2, 5))])
>>> data = numpy.zeros(1, dtype = dth)
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf', '/mypath/', data, "w")
>>> data1 = ebf.read('check.ebf', '/mypath/')
>>> ebf.info('check.ebf')
check.ebf 1906 bytes
name dtype endian unit dim
/.ebf/info int64 little [5]
/.ebf/htable int8 little [1256]
/mypath/data_u1 uint8 little [2 5]
/mypath/data_u2 uint16 little [2 5]
Write a nested structure and read it back.
>>> dth = numpy.dtype([('data_u1', 'u1', (2, 5)), ('data_u2', 'u2', (2, 5))])
>>> dth1 = numpy.dtype([('data_u1', 'u1', (2, 5)), ('point1', dth, (1, ))])
>>> data = numpy.zeros(10, dtype = dth1)
>>> ebf.write("check.ebf", "/data", data, "w")
>>> data1 = ebf.read("check.ebf", "/data")
>>> ebf.info("check.ebf")
check.ebf 2247 bytes
name dtype endian unit dim
/.ebf/info int64 little [5]
/.ebf/htable int8 little [1256]
/data struct little [10]
structure definition:
struct {
uint8 data_u1 2 2 5 ;
struct {
uint8 data_u1 2 2 5 ;
uint16 data_u2 2 2 5 ;
} point1 1 1 ;
} anonymous 1 1 ;
Write a string and read it back as string. Note, return type is numpy.ndarray, hence have to use tostring() method to convert it back to string.
>>> x = "abcdefghijkl"
>>> ebf.write("check.ebf", "/mystr", numpy.array(x), "w")
>>> y = ebf.read("check.ebf", "/mystr").tostring()
Write a list of string and read it back as numpy.ndarray of type numpy.string
>>> x = ["abc", "abcdef"]
>>> ebf.write("check.ebf", "/mystr", numpy.array(x), "w")
>>> y = ebf.read("check.ebf", "/mystr")
>>> print y[0] == "abc",y[1] == "abcdef"
True True
Write with units and read it back.
>>> data = numpy.zeros(1, dtype = "int32")
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf', '/data', data, "w",dataunit="100 m/s")
>>> print, ebf.unit('check.ebf', '/data')
Check if a data item is present.
>>> ebf.containsKey('check.ebf', '/data')
print data items in ascii format
>>> ebf.cat('check.ebf','/x /y',', ')
>>> ebf.cat('check.ebf','/x+',', ')
>>> ebf.cat('check.ebf','/x+',', ',1)
check if the file is not corrupted
>>> ebf.check('check.ebf')
Clears cached information about all files. This could be used to conserve memory after a lot of different files have been read.
>>> ebf.clearEbfMap()
Check if a data item is present in an ebf file.
filename : a string specifying filename
dataname : name of data item
>>> ebf.containsKey('check.ebf','/x')
copy data items from one file to another
mode(str) : ‘w’ or ‘a’
tagnames(str) : if blank then copies all items or else one can supply space separated list of data items as a single string
outpath(str): Path ending with ‘/’ into which to copy items
>>> ebf.copy("check1.ebf",'check2.ebf','/x /y','w')
>>> ebf.copy("check1.ebf",'check2.ebf','/x')
>>> ebf.copy("check1.ebf",'check2.ebf')
Convert a python dict containing numpy arrays to numpy struct
data :
basekey(str): Only those items in dict whose size match that of data[bsekey] will be used.
keylist(str): list of keys to beused when constructing npstruct
Perform diff operation on two files. Ignores data items starting with “/.” which are for internal use. If file contents are same it does not print anything.
>>> ebf.diff("check1.ebf","check2.ebf")
Get header of the data item
- Args:
>>> ebf.getHeader("check.ebf","/x")
Get summary of the contents of a file
>>> ebf.info('check.ebf')
Initialize a file for writing with mode=’w’. After this one can use mode=’a’ to write rest of the items.
>>> ebf.initialize('check.ebf')
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf','/x',[0,1,2],'a')
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf','/y',[0,1,2],'a')
is same as
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf','/x',[0,1,2],'w')
>>> ebf.write('check.ebf','/y',[0,1,2],'a')
An iterator to read in data, part by part of a given size. Useful for reading big arrays which are difficult to fit in RAM.
tagname(str) : the name of data to be read. Multiple items of same size can be read by appending a + sign
cache(int) : no of data items to read at a time
>>> temp=0.0
>>> for x in ebf.iterate('check.ebf','/x',1000):
>>> temp=temp+np.sum(x)
To read all items whose size match with size of “/x”
>>> temp=0.0
>>> for data in ebf.iterate('check.ebf','/x+',1000):
>>> temp=temp+np.sum(data['/x'])
Convert an array of numpy struct to a python dict of numpy arrays
Read data from an ebf file
filename(str) :
path(str) : tagname of data to be read from the ebf file or a path to the data items within the file. If ending with + then all arrays in the same path having same size as the specfied array are read. Useful to load tables where individual columns are written separately.
recon(integer): Should be 1 if one wants to load data objects recursively. Should be 0 if one wants to load data objects only under current path.Defualt is 0.
ckon : option that determines if checksum is to be compared with checksum on file. Default is to compare, but if there is little possibility of file being externally modified then it can be set to 0.
read data from specified locations in a file
tagname(str) : the name of data to be read
ind(str) : list or array of indices to be read
Rename a data item in an ebf file
filename: string
oldkey: a string, the name of key to rename
newkey: a string, the new name. If new key is blank ‘’, then a name of the form ‘/.tr’+oldkey+’.X’ is created. Here X is a an integer greater than equal to zero, which is incremented each time the item with same name is deleted.
>>> ebf.rename('check.ebf','/x1','/x2')
>>> ebf.rename('check.ebf','/x1','')
Get statistics of a data item
>>> ebf.stat('check.ebf','/x /y ')
Swaps the endianess of the file. Little to Big or Big to Little
>>> ebf.swapEndian("check.ebf")
Get physical units of the data type if supplied in file or else empty string
- Args:
>>> ebf.unit("check.ebf","/x")
Update existing data array in a file at user given index positions.
dataname(str) : the name of data to be upated
data : data to be updated
ind : indices of the array on file that needs to be updated.
Write data to a file
tagname(str) : the name of data to be written to the ebf file or a path ending with ‘/’ if multiple items are to be written
data(numpy.ndarray) : data to be to be written
mode(str) : writing mode, “w” to write a fresh file or “a” to append an existing file